All unused or unopened items from our store, except for aluminum and stainless handrail, may be returned within 90 days of purchase for a partial refund, no questions asked. To help cover the cost of return shipping, inspection, and re-packaging, returns are subject to a 15% restocking fee. See details below.
Request your return within 90 days of ordering.
To request a return, login to your customer account. Our team will process your return request within 1-5 business days. Once approved, we will email an authorization number and a pre-paid shipping label.
To be eligible for a refund, all returns must include an authorization number!
Once your return has been received, inspected, and approved, your refund will be applied to the payment method used on the original order. Please allow 1-5 business days to process your return.
Returned items must be unused in as-new condition.
We cannot accept pre-installed components. Used or damaged components will be rejected and will not be refunded.
Kits must be returned complete.
Incomplete or partial kits will not be refunded. Similarly, we do not accept returns of partial or cut spools of cable.
All items must be returned in their original packaging.
If the original packaging is lost or damaged, we may ask you to hold your return until we can provide replacement packaging.
Important: Aluminum and stainless steel handrail sections are not eligible for standard 90-day returns.
Improperly packaged returns damaged in transit are subject to a 50% restocking fee and may be rejected!
Cable Bullet is not responsible for unauthorized return shipments lost in transit. To be eligible for any refund, please follow all Cable Bullet return instructions and use only the provided return shipping labels.
How to Submit a Return Request
Click the profile icon in the store's header, or login here and then request a return.
- Log in to your account:
- In the "Email" field, enter your email address, and then click "Continue".
- In your email account, open the email sent from our store and copy the six-digit verification code included in the email.
- Go back to the online store, and then enter a six-digit verification code.
- Click the order that you want to submit the return for.
- If your order has more than one item, then select the items that you want to return.
- Select a return reason and add a note for the store.
- Click "Submit request".
If your return request is approved and requires shipping, then you receive an email with shipping instructions and a return shipping label. After the product is returned, you receive a refund.